Chad and Cindy are married, have three sons and two grandsons. They reside in Murrieta, California.
Chad has a passion and a gift for working creatively with wood. For 23 years he had been working full-time as a finish carpenter, designing, building and installing cabinetry, built-ins, mantels, and other items. He loved the opportunity to create just about anything made out of wood. In 2009, Chad developed health problems that required medical testing and surgery. Cindy was in her sixth year of homeschooling their youngest son, but during this time, she also worked a few days a week in the accounting field to help make ends meet.
The Story of AHRH (At His Right Hand) Custom Hardwood Urns
In 2010, Cindy’s sister lost her father in-law, Jim Chase. Chad offered to build a custom hardwood urn for the family, because this was a way he could help in their time of grief. They had seen his work, knew of his talent with wood, and eagerly accepted the gracious offer. So Chad made his first urn and named it the “Alburn”. Friends and family recognized the professional quality and beauty of the urn and encouraged Chad to pursue the possibility of making urns for mortuaries. This was the humble beginning of AHRH, and God blessed Chad and Cindy with a new business where Chad could continue with his passion and ability to create with wood.
The Story of AHRH (At His Right Hand) Custom Wood Creations
During the first four years of At His Right Hand Custom Hardwood Urns, Chad had countless requests and many opportunities to build various creations for family and friends. His projects included a complete kitchen upgrade for Cindy’s parents, Sam and Connie, wall art, shadow boxes of various sizes, and a built-in book case and media niche for friends John and Kristy. In September of 2014, Pastors asked Chad if he would consider making six podiums for Revival Christian Fellowship. So in addition to the custom hardwood urn business and other projects, Chad began to make podiums, naming his first podium, “Revival“. Several of the pastors and staff, impressed by the quality of his work, asked if he would create and build wall-mounted tithe boxes. Now nine beautiful creative tithe boxes have been installed at Revival Church. During this time Chad and Cindy have been able to maintain the urn business inventory, sales, and customer service. Many people encouraged Chad to expand his business to share these great quality products. After much prayer, encouragement and support Chad and Cindy felt this was the direction God had for them. Shortly thereafter, they were invited to Calvary Chapel’s Senior Pastor’s Conference in July of 2015. They are excited for what God has for them and their business, and they feel that every customer is a gift from God.
The Story of Our Business Name AT HIS RIGHT HAND (AHRH)
As you read the story above, you see how At His Right Hand started by building custom hardwood urns. Chad and Cindy were praying and seeking the right name for their company. God took them to this scripture in their time of seeking Him: “But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, ‘Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last.’” Revelation 1:17b. Therefore, Chad and Cindy named their business At His Right Hand. Because dealing with the loss of a loved one can be a very emotional and difficult time for those left behind. Chad and Cindy focus on the eternal perspective. Their hearts are for the lives represented in the urns, and their prayer is that all will see Christ seated at the Right Hand of the Father. Not wanting to change the name with the expansion of the product line, Chad and Cindy decided to abbreviate At His Right Hand to AHRH and add the explanation, Custom Wood Creations, to the business name. Since many podiums are used for preaching salvation, those who are saved through Christ Jesus will someday see Christ seated at the right hand of the Father.
With all that said, we are known as AHRH Custom Wood Creations and AHRH Custom Wood Urns.